Bridgton Easy Riders April Meeting
Meeting called to order 6:50 PM by President Blaine Chapman
Treasurer’s Report read by Mary Corthell, Treasurer
Minutes of January Meeting were read and approved
- We need to buy 3 tracks for the Tucker, at a total cost of $18,000
- Bob Corthell moved, Phil Gabardi 2nd: To authorize the President & Trailmaster to decide whether to break into our CD now (which expires in Sept.) to get funds for the tracks. Voted yes.
- Steve Brill reported the rear seal in engine is leaking in 2007 Tucker
- Blaine showed us the new memorial sign for Basil and Rena Ward – It will be installed closer to snowmobile season
- We met requirements for Club Grant & Municipal Grant, and are still looking into other grant possibilities
- Discussion of a float in Bridgton’s 4th of July parade – Lega Medcalf had volunteered to work on this
- Discussion of moving the 2018 Poker Rally back to 3rd or 4th week of January, to get it away from school vacation week – To be discussed in the fall
- Discussion of building a garden shed and raffling it off
- Bob Corthell reminded us that for every $2 ticket we sell for the MSA snowmobile raffle the Club gets to keep $1 – There are multiple prizes besides the snowmobile
- Phil Douglass, one of the founders of this club in 1971-72 has recently passed away – Phil had not remained active in snowmobiling, but Blaine will send a card to his family from the club, letting them know he is remembered
- The Club traditionally donated $250 each year to the Community Center, but has not done it since 2015
- Phil Gabardi moved, George Lariviere 2nd, To donate $250 to Community Center.
- Voted yes
- Black Fly Productions contacted Blaine
- They are filming a video of recreation in Bridgton area
- Since there was no snow on our trails at the time, Tom Gyger let Blaine & Steve “snowmobile” on his ski trails for the film
- Phil Gabardi moved, Pete Hathaway 2nd for the Club to give Blaine a $300 gift card to thank him for all he does for club
- Since Blaine was unable to go on the Club Trip to Jackman, he did not use the money the Club had voted to help defray his costs
- Phil Gabardi acted as a nominating committee and came up with the Slate:
- VP Bob Corthell
- Trailmaster Steve Brill
- Director Richard King
- Secretary Judy Pelletier
- Moved to allow the Secretary to cast one vote for the slate of officers
- Voted Yes – The Secretary cast the single ballot, new Officers elected
Adjourned 8:15 PM
Next meeting September 8, 2017
Respectfully Submitted, Jean Preis, Secretary