Bridgton Easy Riders October Meeting
Meeting called to order 6:45 PM by President Blaine Chapman
Special Guests:
- Vice President Bob Corthell introduced guest speakers from Maine Snowmobile Association, Mike Grass Executive Vice President of M S A and chairman of the trails committee along with Mark Chinnock Western Region Trails Vice Chairman
- They informed us of the work they do at the state level and how they also function in their local clubs facing the challenges that all our Maine clubs face
- Criteria for grants is a point system by how equipment is cared for
- New Maine trail map came out last week
- State rides the trails and checks signage
- Recommends naming trails on back side of stop signs
- Gas tax goes partially into Snowmobile Credit line
- 88,000 snowmobile registrations and only 24,000 MSA members
- MSA committee has been formed to look into mandatory club membership for our state
- Currently Maine cannot force you to join a local club
- ATV Clubs have not state organization
- 2018 is 50th anniversary of MSA
8 PM meeting resumed
Treasurer’s Report read by Mary Corthell, Treasurer and accepted
Minutes of September Meeting were accepted without being read in order to move the meeting along
Attendance: 31 + 2 guest speakers
MEMBERSHIP: 29 members paid to date, business membership mailing to go out soon
- Tuckers – 3 tracks picked up in Bethel
- Peter has repair parts to fix oil leak – cost unknown
- Need more wheels – take wheels to Augusta show next weekend
- Strip the tracks as they will be replaced
- Trail work Sunday 10/15/17 8AM
- Meet at Rite Aid
- Wear boots, bring hoe
- Reroute Plummers Hill trail – by Hayes True Value, we were asked to stay to the outer edge of field
- NE Boat, the trail is only closed to ATV’s
- Poker Rally:
- Date for rally is February 17, 2018 at the Bridgton Community Center
- Richard Sens will arrange for sign at the Bridgton Drive-In
- Need stickers with date to update other signs
Trail Maps:
- Per Jeff Jewell, Waterford would like to be on our map – Blaine will check with printer Jim Stacy
- We need to get ads to Jim Stacy ASAP
- Gun Raffle:
- Phil Gabardi Jr. moved that the raffle include option to win $500 cash instead of gun to expand opportunity for ticket sales, second by Bob Moses, vote was unanimous
- Club Trip: Monday February 5 – 8th, destination to be decided
- Christmas Parade Float for Bridgton: Bob Corthell would like to help – use a snowmobile on trailer and sign thanking landowners
- Carl Hatch: Sandra Gabardi will get a birthday card to send to him in Gray
- Director for MSA: Our guests suggested it would be great to have a local clum attend state meetings when possible
Adjourned 8:30 PM
Next meeting November 10, 2017
Respectfully submitted, Judy Pelletier, Secretary