Bridgton Easy Riders January Meeting
Meeting called to order 6:50 PM by President Blaine Chapman
Guest Speaker:
- Vice President Bob Corthell introduced guest speakers from Maine Snowmobile Association: John Monk, President and Roland Bowie, Vice President of the Western District
- John spoke about trail inspections, trying to meet all 49 club presidents, negotiations with landowners, Foresters Legislative Association
- Presentations by John Monk of Trail Crew t-shirts in thanks for all the work done by President Blaine Chapman, Trailmaster Steve Brill and Ron Moore.
- Blaine also received a Presidents t-shirt
- Jan Chapman and Joann Brill were presented flowers by Bob Corthell for their holding the fort while the men take care of Easy Riders business
- John fielded questions following the presentation
- Roland asked for a show of landowner hands (approximately 6) and thanked them for allowing their land to be used for trails
Meeting resumed at 7:45
Treasurer’s Report read by Mary Corthell, Treasurer and accepted
Minutes of December Meeting: Secretary Judy Pelletier read the minutes she had taken. Minutes were accepted with no corrections.
Attendance: 38 members + 2 guest
- Blaine reported 86 families & 12 businesses
- Bob Corthell personally delivered club decals and thanked the businesses
- The new roller works well to hard pack snow in low spots, but freezes up when wet!
- Groomer froze – Covered it and heated it – Working now
- Bridge made of hemlock replaced with telephone poles
- Field signed
- Bridge at Willis park
- 100 man hours on birch trees bent from storm and cut down
- Good group of workers!
- Reroute around Gagnon Heating swamp – moved trail to wrong side of wall
- Landowner on reroute concerned about noise
- Signage put up to slow the riders
- In west Bridgton by Big Dog replaced bridge with telephone poles
- Makeshift bridge worked well!
- Put ramps on Preis property to get on Highland Lake
- Pie Hole at Pie Tree Orchard fixed by ATV Club
- MSA Raffle: $928 this year – 2016 was $977
- Campfire Grill Trivia Night to benefit the club – January 16, 2018
- The club will get 10% of the take
- Kathy and Duane Hendrix will handle sales of t-shirts, raffle tickets and 50/50
- Tee Shirts
- Long sleeved with logo on shirt and Bridgton Easy Riders printed down sleeve
- They are for sale for $15 and $16 depending on size
- Registration Money:
- President Blaine put in a request for $2,500 from the Town of Bridgton as an outside agency for return of the registration fee monies for this area
- Poker Rally:
- Date for rally is February 17, 2018 at the Bridgton Community Center
- A list was circulated to sign up to make food to sell, do kitchen work or be at the stops
- Karen Moore and Judy Pelletier will solicit prizes
- Club Trip:
- Trailer to Madawaska to Gateway Motel
- Check in on Sunday February 4 and check out Thursday February 8th
- If we stay 3 nights the 4 th night is free! We’ll be home for the club’s meeting Friday February 9th
- 13 room reservations so far
- Bob Corthell will meet others wanting to travel in a convoy at 8 AM at the VFW in Naples
- A list was circulated for name & cell phone number for those joining the convoy
- Bring walkie talkies
- Motion to pay room for Trail Master and President – giving monetary value of trip if not going
- Moved, seconded and so voted unanimously
- President stated he would not accept the gift even though he is not going on the trip
- Day Trip: Rangeley – Wednesday January 24 or Thursday January 25
- Meet at 7 AM at Bob & Mary Corthell’s
- 85 mile loop approximately
- Have lunch and return by about 8 or 9 PM
Adjourned 8:20 PM
Next meeting February 9, 2018
Respectfully submitted, Judy Pelletier, Secretary